Date: December 6, 2020

Bible Text: Matthew 1:18-24, Ephesians 4:17-5:2 |


We are in our Advent series, Gifts for Our Coming King, where we consider what we can offer to Jesus Christ at the celebration of his birth. In week 1, we looked at Mary's obedience. Today, we look at Joseph, and how he was willing to reorder the priorities of his life in order to follow God's plan. This gives us opportunity to consider our own priorities, how we spend our time, our talents, and our financial resources. Are there ways we can be more intentional about putting God's priorities first?

We also recognize and welcome our confirmands from 2019-2020. They were received into active membership by the session some while ago, and now we are finally able to make a fuss over them. Thanks be to God for each of them, and may God bless them every day of their spiritual journeys.

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