Date: November 20, 2022

Bible Text: Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43 |

Today is Christ the King Sunday, or "The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe." It was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to lift up the Christian's allegiance to Jesus Christ over all earthly political powers (namely Benito Mussolini at the time). It still calls us to that higher allegiance to Christ's rule, and it marks the end and culmination of the liturgical calendar year.

We will explore what the Reign of Christ looks like, especially in comparison to American culture and its continued tolerance of rampant gun violence, which we have witnessed again this past week with shootings on two college campuses. We long for the fulfillment of Christ's Kingdom on earth!


Notes from the Preacher

Just a couple after-thoughts on the sermon.

It would have been a nice touch to round out the sermon by coming back to the bullet hole image, and saying that while violence has a negative influence that spreads out from the point of impact, in the same way, acts of righteousness in Christ's reign have a positive spreading impact, bringing goodness, mercy, and grace to more and more people, to the glory of God.

When I spoke of who the Crucified Christ would identify with, I said I think it wouldn't be the gun lobby, the do-nothing leaders, or the powers that benefit from guns and violence, but rather the victims of violence. While I think I am right in that, I didn't say that I also believe that Christ has just as much desire to redeem those others and bring them fully into the Reign of Life. Regardless of which group we think about, "they" are us, and we need to attend to them all in the righteousness of Christ, whether pastorally or prophetically, with love for all.

Grace and peace,


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