Beloved in Christ,
It has been a long time – fourteen months, in fact – since we closed the church building due to the pandemic. In all this time, we have maintained our ministries of worship, education, and mission. We have watched the numbers of cases and deaths rise and fall and rise and fall. It’s been hard on everyone, and it’s been hard not being together.
Because we are a covenant community, we have a responsibility to do all we can to keep each other safe and to provide a safe environment for all who gather with us in the practice of our faith. That is why the CPC session has been pretty conservative about keeping the building closed. Now, the case numbers and positivity rates in the county are coming down, and many of our church family have gotten their vaccinations against COVID-19. After much deliberation and prayer…
We think the time has come to give it a try…

There are some things you need to know, though!
- MASKS are required, Vaccinations are recommended
- 6’ Social Distancing = Limited Seating! We just can’t fit everyone, and you might not be able to sit in your usual place.
- Stay home if you don’t feel well or are uncomfortable in a crowd.
- We will continue our online worship on Zoom and the live stream on YouTube and at
- Reservation Requested: Reply to this email at or call 571-293-6543
- No bulletins or hymnals, but check out our new projection system!
- Live and recorded music, but no choir; humming, but no singing
- No fellowship food or drink, but bring canned goods for our Loudoun Hunger Relief Big Blue Box!
- Questions? Call 571-293-6543 or email
Please remember, this is something of an experiment. Things will not be normal or like they were before the pandemic. The experience will be pretty basic, and things may be different from week to week. If conditions get worse, we may have to close again. So please keep your expectations in check, especially for the first few weeks. Nevertheless, we look forward to this next chapter in the ongoing adventure of life with God!