photo by elly fairytale for pexels.com
For most people and in most years, Christmas is a “joy time.” There are lots of parties, bright lights, cheerful carols, festive decorations, and gatherings of friends and loved ones. But sometimes, life gets hard, and grief takes center stage. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one to death this year. Maybe work is tough and money is tight. Maybe the weight of the pandemic and all the suffering it has caused around the world lays heavy on your heart. Maybe you just aren’t feeling it this year, and all that beauty and happiness that usually goes with Christmas is falling flat. What then? Is there any hope at a time like that?
This year Catoctin Church is offering a service for those who are finding this Christmas season to be sad, stressful, lonely, or even mournful. It’s called “Blue Christmas,” like the song. With many people experiencing loss or grief, we want to acknowledge the reality of those blue feelings and offer the true hope of Christmas – the birth of a holy child who came into this life to walk with us and bring us the Light of Life. This uplifting service will provide prayers of sorrow and hope, of balm and healing.
Please join us Sunday evening, December 20, at 7:00 p.m. in our Zoom meeting space, “Catoctin Virtual Meeting House.” Go to zoom.us or open the Zoom app, click on “Join a Meeting,” and enter Meeting ID: 988 5797 6708 and password 004045. We are also making the service available on Facebook at facebook.com/CatoctinChurch.
May the God of all hope grant you grace and peace!