The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed how we are working as a church, as a society, and as global citizens. In spite of all the hardships and suffering caused by the disease, we continue to hold tight to our faith in God through Jesus Christ and to worship and work together as God’s children. Therefore, we will observe Holy Week with these special worship services.

Maundy Thursday Virtual Communion Service – 7:00 p.m. April 9

We will mark the night Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper and was later betrayed and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane with worship and communion. Because of the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in this year, we will do communion online, and you will need to provide your own bread and juice or wine. This will be a simple service with some scripture and prayers, maybe a wee reflection from the pastor, and the communion.

Good Friday Online Tenebrae Service – 7:00 p.m. April 10

Good Friday is the most solemn day of the Christian calendar, the day when we commemorate Jesus’ crucifixion. Join us for our online Tenebrae service (or “service of shadows”) as we read the story of his passion from the scriptures with music and prayers, meditating on his sacrifice for us.

Easter Morning Celebration Worship Service – 11:00 a.m. April 12

Celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead with us! This is the most joyful day in the church year as we mark and give thanks for God’s power breaking the chains of death. The resurrection is the vindication of Jesus and the opening of eternal life to all who believe in him. We will sing and praise God and tell the Good News once more that the Lord is risen, indeed!

Zoom Instructions

All three services can be accessed on using the same link. Click HERE to join any of the services.

Using your computer: If you have the Zoom app, it will open there. If not, the browser window will ask if you want to use the app. Click “Cancel” and then look for “start from your browser” and click on it. The meeting should open. You may find yourself in a waiting room, but we will let you in shortly. You may be asked if you want to use your computer audio or phone in, so choose computer audio.

Using your phone: Clicking on the link should take you to the Zoom site. There is an option to download the app, which you can dismiss, or “Join the Meeting,” which you should click. This should take you to the meeting. If it asks about using your device audio or phoning in, try your device audio.

If you have difficulty, try going to the Zoom tutorial video page to see if they can help you. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, it might be a good idea to do this ahead of time any way.