In our worship this Sunday we will continue exploring the implications of Jesus’ resurrection and the unfolding of the Messianic Age. Since this week also saw the 50th anniversary Earth Day, we will look at how God thinks about the earth and the environment as revealed in scripture, and how the new Easter Life informs the way we treat our home world. (Next week, we will examine the Beloved Community, the Church, as an expression of the Messianic Age.)

For those who want to read ahead, see Psalm 8 and Romans 8:18-24.

We use the same Zoom meeting for worship each Sunday and for prayer service each Wednesday. You should always be able to get in with the same Zoom link, or use the Zoom app, and join Meeting ID (665-039-161) and password (038964). You can phone in for audio only at 301-715-8592, but you will need the Meeting ID and password, and be aware that long distance charges may apply.

Here’s the link for this week’s kids’ Sunday school video lesson from Logan McIntosh! Yay! We’re continuing the series on the Armor of God, and this week is about the Body Armor of Righteousness. Enjoy!

In our Adult Sunday School class, we are studying Acts 24 and 25 this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

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