2909, 2024

Blessing of the Animals

By |September 29th, 2024|

Join us as we bless God’s creatures at our annual Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, October 19 at 11:00 a.m. at Catoctin Presbyterian Church in Waterford, VA. We will start on the lawn and proceed to the Sanctuary in small numbers to have our furry, feathered, and scaly friends blessed. If your animal is hard to transport, bring a picture! If you are willing and able, we will be collecting items to donate to Loudoun Pet Pantry. This event is open to the public.  

509, 2024

Farmer’s Market in September

By |September 5th, 2024|

September is here and we only have FOUR weeks remaining of our Catoctin Presbyterian Church Farmer's Market! If you have not stopped by our FARM MARKET & FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY at Catoctin Presbyterian Church, please do! This week, you can pre-order from Fava Pot using link! We are looking forward to welcoming back vendors who were away for the long weekend so come out and get your fresh produce, fruits, veggies, canned goods, eggs, pork, honey, apple butter, home-made gifts, and MORE! See you FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 (4-6PM) at 15565 High Street Waterford, VA!!

2608, 2024

Hunger Action Month

By |August 26th, 2024|

At Catoctin Presbyterian Church, it is our mission to extend God's Kingdom by serving those in need. Did you know that September is Hunger Action Month? We collect canned and boxed food items in our "big blue box" for Loudoun Hunger Relief. If you visit their website, you can learn more about the issue of food insecurity right here in Loudoun County. Let's work together to support those who need our help. Read more here

2408, 2024

CPC Announcements for August 25, 2024

By |August 24th, 2024|Tags: |

We hope you will enjoy this video and that you will then take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! September is just around the corner, and so is our fall program year. So we look forward to more opportunities to spend time with you, worship with you, study with you, and serve with you! If you have any questions or comments, leave them below or email us at

1906, 2024

Trouble With the Worship Streams

By |June 19th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

At some point during the services the last couple of weeks, we have lost the connection between us and YouTube for long enough that YouTube ended the livestream. When we have reestablished the connection, YouTube's software doesn't really know what to do with it (since it isn't a scheduled stream at that point), and so it starts a new stream with the title information from a random one of our previously recorded streams. This is annoying, because it isn't obvious to viewers what has happened or where they can go to watch the renewed stream, and it requires a good bit of time to re-edit the descriptions and links so the various parts of the service are properly connected for later viewers. These disconnections could be a fault in our streaming hardware at the church, in our streaming software are the church, with our internet service provider, with YouTube, or [...]

1806, 2024

Announcements for June 16, 2024

By |June 18th, 2024|Tags: |

Welcome to Catoctin Presbyterian Church! Enjoy this video and find out some of what's going on with our congregation. Then take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Happy Fathers Day! We've got graduate recognition this week, and we're continuing the summer sermon series on spiritual practices. We have mission opportunities and the farmers market is starting soon.   If you have any questions, leave a comment below or contact us at