We are so very grateful…
for all our church family and friends who support our ministry financially. As Christians, we believe that everything we have is a gift from God, and the ways we choose to use our financial resources should reflect our gratitude to God for the countless ways we have been blessed, and especially for our salvation in Jesus Christ. As a church, we recognize that there are many opportunities for you to be generous and serve others through your financial giving, so we are particularly grateful for your gifts to our congregation’s mission and ministry.
We’re set up to accept online giving through designated PayPal & Venmo Giving Funds.
To make a donation, just click the appropriate button below. It’s easy, fast and secure.
If you prefer to send a check, make it out to “CPC” and send to:
Treasurer, Catoctin Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 195
Waterford, VA 20197
Have Questions?
Click the questions below to view the brief answers to each. If you have additional questions, contact us.
Your contribution will help to support our ministries in the church and community, to maintain our historic building, and to make sure the minister can put bread on the table. If you have more questions or if there are particular ways you would like to support the church’s life, please contact us directly.
Yes. Any gifts sent through the PayPal system will be recorded in the same way your weekly offerings are recorded.
No. Anyone may use this service to give to the church.
PayPal is a secure way to make a payment with your credit/debit card or bank account information, because this information is only processed on PayPal’s secure system. The church never sees or has access to your credit/debit card or bank account information. Here’s what PayPal says about its security.
To make it more convenient for anyone to send their tithes and offerings to the church. Online giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness and to help you become disciplined about regular giving.
No. You select the dollar amount for your gift. That is the amount that will be charged and your entire donation is tax deductible. The transaction fees are waived by PayPal for the church as a charity, so it costs you nothing to use this secure service. You will be credited with your full donation.