The theme of our stewardship campaign to support 2024 Catoctin Presbyterian Church mission and ministries is “On the Edge of God’s Future.” This reflects our faith in God’s providence even in times when the future of the church is wildly uncertain. As the scriptures say in Romans 14:8, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s, and as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians, “… living means living for Christ, and dying is even better (for I will go to be with Christ – see vs. 23). But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. (Philippians 1:21-22, NLT)” We know God can do more than we can hope or imagine, so we continue to act in faith, to step out trusting in God, to extend God’s kingdom by serving those in need. As a result our community grows in faith, hope, love, and witness to Jesus Christ.
We met over lunch on Sunday, October 1 – a wonderful chili and cornbread lunch that was followed by a fun and informative program. We had a skit to start things off, then we discussed the narrative budget, our current and projected financial situation, and the needs and assets we have to complete the work God is calling us to do. We face significant challenges to fund this work, and we all need to work together to see it through. It could go either way, but we are confident God will provide the resources for the work God wants us to do. Your thoughts and ideas on how to move the church forward were essential and continue to be valued. Thank you!
Click here to view the presentation, starting with the skit and going on from there.
2024 CPC Narrative Budget. <– Click the link to download it, then prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to support our work through your time, talents, and treasure.
Pledge Form 2024 <– You can use this form to let the treasurer know about your plan for giving to CPC in 2024. Forms can be returned to the church by snail mail (PO Box 195, Waterford, VA 20197, attn: Treasurer), or by email ( Or you can just send an email to the treasurer without the form proper, and that will do just fine.