CPC Announcements – 18 December 2022
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Of note, our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will be streamed here at our channel. The Christmas Eve [...]
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Of note, our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will be streamed here at our channel. The Christmas Eve [...]
Welcome Home! Summer is fading, and Autumn is in the air. Vacation season has passed, and the pandemic, while still with us, has lost its fearful grip. It's time for us to come together, to [...]
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Of note this week, coming up is Welcome Home Sunday on 9/18, and apple butter making at Mac and [...]
Not too busy over the dog days of summer, but there's still plenty of ways to take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Correction - [...]
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do!
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! It's summer, so there isn't as much going on, but there are still good opportunities to be involved.
It's summer, and you need some light reading for the beach? Or maybe you just want to keep up with what's happening at church? Either way, here's our latest newsletter with updates on our mission, [...]
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Of note this week, our Farmers Market is starting on Friday! We can use your help to staff our [...]
Take part in the life of the Church as you feel called and able to do! Of note, the vigils against gun violence on Monday through Thursday this week at 6:00-6:30 p.m. at the LCPS [...]
Take part in the life of the church as you feel called and able to do! Note especially: Sunday, June 5 - lots of stuff in worship and a BYO-Picnic afterwards. Might be a good [...]