Date: December 3, 2023

Bible Text: Mark 1:1-11 |


This the first Sunday of Advent, the season of spiritual preparation for the feast of Christmas and the coming of Christ - at Christmas, in our daily lives, and at the end of all things. This year we are exploring themes from the book Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes by Cynthia M. Campbell. Since Advent is four weeks, we will look at one gospel each week and how the author presents the appearing of Jesus Christ in the world. This is also the basis of our Wednesday Advent bible study, so you can double dip and dig in deep.

We begin with Mark's gospel. If you were with us on the summer road trip through the Bible you might remember that Mark is understood to be the first of the four gospels to have been written. It is terse and full of action, focusing for half the book on Jesus' death and resurrection. So Christmas at Mark's house may look a little sparse at first. But let's find out if there is more to it than first appears.

We will celebrate communion this week, so if you want to join us virtually, you'll need to have some bread and juice or wine or fruit of the vine. Then just follow along when we get to that part of the service.

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