Date: December 11, 2022

Bible Text: Isaiah 35:1-10, Luke 1:39-56 |


Today is the third Sunday in Advent, and Advent is the season of preparation for Christ's coming into the world - in history as a child, in our daily lives as Savior, and in the future as Ruler and Judge of all creation. So it isn't just waiting for the baby Jesus to be born, but it is about waiting. And if we wait patiently and intentionally, we wait with hope.

Hope is our theme for Advent this year. We are spending the four Sundays and the four Wednesday Advent study sessions considering hope as a biblical practice for following Jesus Christ. We began with "Hearing Hope" last week, followed by "Seeing Hope." So there is an invitation to hope, followed by evidence for trusting that hope. This week we examine "Sharing Hope," that is living into that trust enough to experience it with others and to encourage others when they are in need of hope. We find this in scripture when believers worship together, have fellowship together, and support one another. Kind of like family and friends, you know?

We will continue building the practice of Hope in our worship services through Advent and also in our Advent Study on Wednesday nights at 6:45 pm (ET), which will be only on Zoom and (hopefully) in person. Watch for announcements about that or contact us at if you have questions.

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