Date: June 16, 2019

Bible Text: Romans 8:14-17, John 16:12-15 |

The Sunday after Pentecost is called Trinity Sunday. It's a day when we pay special attention to the doctrine of God as Three-In-One, One-In-Three. We use the traditional formula of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit most weeks, but we'll spend a little more time diving in this time. We'll explore God's interrelatedness along with the implications of being made in the Triune Image.

Notes from the Preacher

Once again, our tech failed halfway through the service. Aaargh! You get the first part of the service and the first 2/3 of the sermon in the video. We usually tag the video to start at the sermon, but this time, we'll let it start at the beginning.

In an odd turn of events, I have a manuscript this week. I usually work from a simple outline. Providentially, then, we have a form that you can read, which you can find below. It was pretty good, actually, so glory be to God.

Here's a link to the article from Lucy Lind Hogan from which I took a few thoughts.

Here is the graphic that adorned the front cover of the bulletin.

My focus for this sermon was the mystery of God's multifaceted, multiplicative love, and my hope for the sermon was to help listeners imagine, long for, and/or experience the Trinitarian love and its effects in our daily discipleship. Let me know if you think I hit the mark or not.

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