Date: March 24, 2024

Bible Text: Mark 11:1-10, Philippians 2:5-11 |


Today is Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday. Either way, it is the beginning of Holy Week when we mark Jesus' triumphal entry to Jerusalem, the last week of his public ministry, his Passover celebration with the disciples, his betrayal, arrest, suffering, and death on a cross. So, yeah, that's a lot. (To say nothing of his resurrection, which we will get to next week.) Our service this week will be retelling the story from Mark's gospel of the Palm Sunday procession and the events of Jesus' passion. We have several readers who will lead us, plus the choir will sing, and Pastor David will offer a few thoughts as well.


We've been having issues with our stream continuity, so the service is recorded in two files.

This is the first half of the service, including the liturgy of the Palms. The second half of the service with the liturgy of the Passion can be found HERE.


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