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We are glad to be able to provide some recent sermons for you to listen to. We believe that corporate worship is to the Body of Christ what breathing is to the human body — a life-giving exchange! It is our primary service to God as disciples.

What’s more, as Presbyterians, we believe that proclamation of God’s Word is the central act of our worship service. So it follows that the best thing for the Body and for individual members is to be present together with God and one another, building relationships in worship.

These sermons are offered here not as a regular substitute for those who can come in person, but to help us spread the Word among those who cannot. So whether you are a potential visitor wanting to “test drive” the preacher, or a member who can’t come, or missed a service, or wants to hear a sermon again, we pray for God to bless you in the listening.

See Something, Say Something

January 19, 2020
Presbyterians have a reputation for not talking about their faith very much. This, like most stereotypes, is a mix of fact and fallacy. It is true that our tradition is…


January 12, 2020
This Sunday's lectionary theme is the Baptism of the Lord. It's admittedly a bit of a jump from the end of Christmas last Sunday and Epiphany on Monday, but since…

For God’s Good Pleasure

January 5, 2020
What? What do you mean it's still Christmas? Yep, for a few more days it's Christmastide, until January 6. Personally, I'm really enjoying the ongoing comfort of Christ's appearing in…

Learning To Be Human

December 29, 2019
Merry Christmas! The season of Christmas lasts for twelve days (like the song says), beginning with Christmas Day and ending on Epiphany, January 6. So we will continue our celebration…
We are continuing our Advent series exploring the meaning of Incarnation. The word generally refers to God inhabiting a physical body, or put another way, the Word of God, the…
Our Advent worship this year is focusing on Incarnation. This is generally understood as the indwelling of the Logos, the Word of God, the divine architecture of creation, in physical…
This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, the season of preparation for the feast of Christmas. In Advent we practice what some call "active waiting," that is we work to…
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