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We are glad to be able to provide some recent sermons for you to listen to. We believe that corporate worship is to the Body of Christ what breathing is to the human body — a life-giving exchange! It is our primary service to God as disciples.

What’s more, as Presbyterians, we believe that proclamation of God’s Word is the central act of our worship service. So it follows that the best thing for the Body and for individual members is to be present together with God and one another, building relationships in worship.

These sermons are offered here not as a regular substitute for those who can come in person, but to help us spread the Word among those who cannot. So whether you are a potential visitor wanting to “test drive” the preacher, or a member who can’t come, or missed a service, or wants to hear a sermon again, we pray for God to bless you in the listening.

Continuing our series on how the Church can use spiritual practices to promote unity in the Body of Christ and in the world, we turn to that which perhaps ought…
We are considering spiritual practices from the ancient Church that were, are, and can be used to enhance the unity of the Body of Christ and overcoming divisions that hurt…
We are considering spiritual practices from the ancient Church that were, are, and can be used to enhance the unity of the Body of Christ and overcoming divisions that hurt…
It's Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday, one of those odd church days we do every year after the season of Epiphany and just before Lent starts. It's when Jesus went…

Oh, You’re Serious

February 24, 2019
While much of the world seems to be growing more and more hard-hearted toward "others" these days, Jesus directs us on a different path: love your enemies. We explore a…


February 17, 2019
The Sermon on the Plain gives us some context for considering the inequity of our society. Luke 6:17-26, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20.

Fear of God

February 10, 2019
Lost the signal and cut off the end of the sermon and the rest of the service for some reason. Sorry for the inconvenience. Reflections on "the fear of the…