Date: February 6, 2022

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11 |

After having been closed for in-person worship and meetings for a month, we are back open starting today! Of course we will continue live streaming worship here for those who are unable or still feel uncomfortable joining us in person.

The weeks between Epiphany (Jan. 6) and Lent (March 6 this year) bring us stories in the gospels about the revelation of Jesus to the world as Messiah and Son of God. Today's lesson is about Jesus changing the lives of a handful of fishermen with a combination of his teaching and, oddly, a big catch of fish, the very thing they did for a living! But as with many miracles, it was the timing and the scale (no pun intended) that made this catch miraculous and transformative. On the other side of the coin, in the epistle lesson for the day, Paul tells about the Good News of Christ, the story for which he had been willing to imprison and kill people until he met the hero of the story, Jesus. We may find that Jesus appears to us, is revealed to us, seeks to transform us in the most obvious and so unexpected places in our lives.

We will be celebrating the Lord's Supper in worship today. If you join us virtually, you can still participate in communion by having on hand a small piece of bread or cracker and some grape juice or wine, or as close to that as you can find.

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